Umóⁿhoⁿ Íye Tí tʰe iⁿthíku.
We at the 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 Umóⁿhoⁿ Language Program invite you to come to our Elders Social Gathering
and share a meal.
Taní, wamúske shti shíoⁿgthe taitʰé. Uxpé wabáxte tʰe athágthaniⁿ shkí tai. We will
be serving soup and frybread. Please bring your dish bundle if you can.
Agenda is Social: Attendees may wish to converse with each other in Umóⁿhoⁿ Íye, share
thoughts with 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 faculty and staff or just visit and remember those who have gone
Théboⁿ tai ki: (402) 494-2311 extension 135 (Prof. Saunsoci), or (402) 494-2311 extension
109 (Profs. Tyndall & Gordon).
Uxthé xchi shí oⁿthígitoⁿbe oⁿgóⁿtha.
Our relatives, we hope to see you again real soon